
Monday, August 27

Bad Hair Day

This had to be one of the worst hair days ever! My mom wasn't going to braid up my hair because it looked just fine last night. All pretty and curly. She said it could wait and that I was very capable of handling it (I may have edited what she said...). 

Well, I got up this morning, my hair exactly like it was the night before. BEAUTIFUL! I went to the school bus, and everything was fine. I got onto the bus and bang! The humidity, the heat, the wind! 

By the time I got to school my hair looked like that cat's hair --->

By the way, why do we torture our pets? Their not little dolls or mini humans that we can play with.

Anyways, that was my bad hair day. But the day in general was awesome! Maybe because I had to keep explaining to people why my hair looked the way it did. I made it funnier and funnier with each person.


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