
Wednesday, September 19

Grades and Oobleck and Headaches..Oh My!

Dear people's faces I shall call my diary,

Today my head nearly fell off from all the noise and heat. My headache is just beating me up!

Anyway, Grading is back! Today was a pretty good day, talking grades wise. All day, I swear I was going to go to sleep. Or throw up. Or have a spasm attach and just pass out from the need of sleep...or boredom.

Nothing interested me more today than my grades. I was marveled by them. Everything except for music was a very high A+. It made me extremely happy. And I got one of my math test back. Guess what... 100%. I'm feeling pretty awesome right now. I haven't been able to brag all day but that's only because I don't know or care about other people's grades (No offense but I don't want to get my feelings hurt or hurt some else's feelings.

Anyways, in science, we did a fantastic lab project. Making oobleck. I actually gave it way to a friend because it just didn't interest me enough but it was definitely fun making. Taking 5 spoonfuls of glue and 2 spoonfuls of watered detergent and mixing up in a plastic bag, then kneading it in the bag for at least 2 minutes, it get a "liquidish solid."Make sure to add food coloring if you want some color. This is actually a liquid, if made right, just to put that out there.

Well, I really hope everyone got back really good grades. Now I'm going to go take a nap.

Jay Jay

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