
Sunday, November 25

Music and Other Inspirations

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything." 

                                                                                                                                     ~ Plato ~

Has a song ever changed your life? The answer should be no. The song ITSELF doesn't change your life, it's the message it sends. Even more the feelings the message gives off.

I think music is a little bundle of human emotions that crawls through our ears and slowly seeps into the soul. Like drinking a cup of cocoa on a cold stormy night. It warms you.

I find it amazing how we can capture emotions and put them into words. In all the famous works of writers, poets, and musicians. The brilliant artist and there ability to reach someone. As if art isn't a thing we have to create but a life itself.

I know everyone has felt connected to a song at least once in their lifetime. Where you get chills or you fill like a burden has been lifted off your back or you've never been happier at any moment in time while said song is playing. That river of sounds and frequencies flowing through your ears.

It is amazing. Addicting and healing.

I could go on and on about how much music could change a person, but I couldn't tell you why or how.

That really is an interesting question: What does music do to the brain? How does it and why?

I figured it was now or never. It is time for a thorough investigation.

I made a list of things I know music can do, things I have personally experienced.

1.) It brings people together. 

I have had my share of music and I've had my share of life changing songs. I figured as a musician myself it was a mutual feeling between me and music. Until I shared a song or two with my friends and family. Some of those inspirational songs that make you feel like you could rule the world. I experimented, by playing music without lyrics or vocal. I figured: Maybe it really is the literal message. 

Until I began playing piano. It really is the best feeling. Aside from the usual irritation of not being able to play a chord or normal anxiety before playing in a recital of course. 
That was the first seagment of Music & Other Inspirations. Hope you enjoyed it and expect some more. I hope everyone had happy holidays and I can't wait to see you in the new year of 2013! Thanks for sticking with us! -Hay

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