
Tuesday, July 17

Writer's Block

WAZ UP PWEEBLES!? H in the house!!! I am sorry. Too much? Anyway as you probably have noticed I haven't been writing. This is because I had some serious writer's block so...yeah(Also my computer was MALFUNTIONING!!!). Today is different though for I have something to write about and that is RESTAURANTS!!! Basically Twin and I( My twin brother.) well we are kinda picky over hygene matters.So has anyone been to a restaurant lately and notice that some of the drinks they give DO NOT HAVE STRAWS!!! Okay so I get all the economic issues and all but SERIOUSLY!!!Okay ,so I hadn't been feeling well that day and well...My Twin kept going on and on about how someone could had a gum disease or something and we were drinking out of the same cups!!!So yeah that is so G- Ross.So basically I have serious problems.I also want to talk about you. What I have noticed is our daily viewings are going down.I also want to bring to your attention that you know school is starting soon.Therefore you will not be able to vist as often.Jay and I will continue writing nonetheless.Keep on keep-oning guys!!!If you give us 2,000 views by the end of Summer I will show youg uys and awesome video that WILL ABSOLUTELY BLOW YOUR MIND!!!This blog will become your NEW favorite website that ever existed.Also you guys start sending in interview questions!!!We will be AWESOME!!!I speak mostly for myself.You are probably disapointed in me for not blogging. But I have a lot of stuff in my life guys!So i am going to talk to Jay about Vlogging.I you don't know what that is basically  it is blogging but on a video.Not to be put in the video section but on our regular home page.You guys are probably going to be happy  not Having to read as much!I even encourage reading though.I also love writing!!!Which brings me to the subject of WATTPAD!!!Wattpad is an Internet reading?writing site.You can read stories other's have written or write your own story for others to see!!!I am writing one story I think you guys might like it!!!You can make a wattpad account for FREE and cancel it if you want. I will even make an account for you bloggers specifically requests!Well now that this is all cleared up.Have an Awesome life and keep reading!H.

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