
Saturday, September 1

Looking Forward to the Weekend!

Hey everyone this is Hay!!! If you reckonized the header then you have heard the awesome song Friday-  by Rebecca Black! Now before you go to hootin' and hollering just know... I do actually love the song! I mean  it's catchy and funny!!! And I wouldn't suggest you go around talking trash about it because you probably couldn't write a better song! I also want to tell the haters... tahnk you for all your trash talk toward any celebrities. One thing everyone should know about publicity no matter good or bad... You always make the person famous! Now if you really want to effect the person don't say anything!!! But we all know that's not happening to all of you! Every Friday on my bus we all sing Friday!!! Just to let you know paradies, web pages, and anything along those lines will NOT make a person drop off the face of the earth! IT WILL MAKE THEM MORE SUCESSFUL!!! Just to let you know yesterday I woke up at...

Well bye!!! Hope you had a wonderful Friday and have a wonderful Saturaday too!!!

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