
Sunday, September 16

Plain Lucky

Dear people's faces I shall call my diary,

I know I haven't been writing in a long time. But today just seems like the perfect day to get started up again.

Yesterday, I woke up. At six in the morning. I couldn't figure out how to turn off the clock because my brain was so foggy so I took out the plug and have yet to fix my alarm clock.

About two hours later, I woke up again. I probably would have stayed in bed if my stomach didn't stop punching it's self. So I hurried to the bathroom. In there, I brushed my pearly whites and made my face even more impossibly beautiful and went to get a glass of water.

I made a huge breakfast for myself and my little sissies. Toast Strudels and Waffles. By the time we we done, I was ready to burst and spread all the sugary insides all over the kitchen. My stomach felt like crap after eating that food so I decided to just lay around, even though I probably shouldn't have.

You see, my soccer team made a deal with our coach that if we got to super fit on this running game, he would take us out for sushi. Now, I told myself I wouldn't lay around all day, playing video games and feeling bad because I looked like a video game obsessed kid. But that's really what happened.

I didn't have a soccer game that day so my mom decided she wanted to go see a movie. She and I decided on Paranorman (because Tim Burton movies are the bomb diggity!) Anyway, we left at five in the afternoon.

We first went to Target because the movie didn't start until seven. So we wandered the store, Mom, Baby, Tiny and I. I went to the skateboard section and guitar section, hoping to find good prices so I could buy them for my birthday.

Finally, we went to the theater. In there, I saw a sign that said people we looking for extras. Mom said I could possibly sign up later but I wasn't really hung up on it even though that was a really big deal for me. I just didn't want to get too excited if mom changed her mind.

We went to take our seats and the theater was nearly empty. But by the time the movie started, there was a little bit more people.

I have to say, that movie was awesome. It was funny and scary and creative and Tim Burton is forever my favorite director. I would absolutely love to create some of the things he day.

Anyway, we left the theater. Tiny had to use the bathroom so mom gave me Baby and told me I could sign up on the Extras info sheet. I filled in everything I could until, of course, mom came out and I gave her the rest to fill in.

We left the theater afterwards, and as we we're walking to the car, I saw what looked like a five dollar bill. Instead, it was a twenty!!

Pretty good day! But I still have to exercise if I want free sushi....


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