
Saturday, July 14

The Amazing Spider-Man

I've wanted to see this movie for so long. And I didn't know it was going to be this awesome!

To start off, who knew Andrew Garfield, Peter Parker/ Spider-man, was so funny. I mean, he looks funny. And H says his hair is funny too, but I just didn't think that the movie was going to be so funny. And he defiantly brought the movie to life. He is the perfect modern spider-man.

And he just looks like a nerd! He fits the part perfectly.

Now Emma Stone played Gwen Stacy. Maybe I don't remember it right but I thought Mary Jane (in the last series) didn't know the Peter was spider-man and didn't fall in love with him for a while. They were just friends. Correct me if I'm wrong. I haven't watched the movie in a long time. But in this series Gwen falls for Peter so fast. It doesn't even take that long. Maybe fifteen minutes or so.
But who cares about the details! Emma Stone was still incredibly wonderful. Her dialogue between Peter was hilarious. And her father and her shared some awkward moments themselves.... Either way, her character was fun and happy.

Rhys Ifans was an unlikely villain. In the story, he plays Dr. Curt, an amputee. He's been searching for a cure for humans to grow back limbs. And he actually finds a cure but it goes horribly wrong. Now that I think about it, I guess it's not unlikely for a scientist to go crazy. Because he defiantly did.
My Rating: 9 out of 10

I'm a little mad that someone just decided to just start the series all over again but it was still really good and I can't wait for the next one in 2014.

But anyway, I recommended this to people who like a little bit of romance (Just a bit. I wasn't expecting THAT much!), love action, nerds, weird surprises, mad scientist, spider people with really cool reflexes, and funny teenagers.

Tell 'em Jay sent ya!

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