
Friday, August 3


So this may be a topic you don't care about or don't even want to think about. Personally, it's something that's on my mind a lot. The fact is, I'm a spender. I like lots of money. In fact, one of my personal dream goals in life is to have so much money, I can take care of myself and family without actually needing a job later on in life. I think that's a pretty good goal. But I started to think more and more about other people.

Lately, I've been obsessed with this game called The Sims 3. I've always loved the series. Its just I want the version for my computer, not the one I have on my DS. Mind you, I like mature games and long lasting games. So the game I want is rated teen plus. Only because this version is way better than the rated everyone version on my DS.

Now, I told my mom about my obsession. She told me to look at every store and website. Of course, I did as she said and researched everything. It took me one night and the next day. I still have to look up a video of someone installing the PC game to my kind of computer. I don't want to take any risk with my mom and dad's computer.

I finally found the perfect price, and after all the math, found out that it was even better, considering I get free shipping and 5% off. AWESOME!

I started to think how fun this actually was. I usually tease my mom about how she loves coupons and saving money. But now I know just how fun it actually is.

I was thinking about this nation's economy. It must be hard on the parents but also on the kids. 12.7 million people are unemployed and 770,000 homeless people just last year. I have never really thought about all the kids, considering the news never actually asks them how they feel. It must be hard. And I guess I needed to say that to the world because they'll never know it if I never say it.


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