
Monday, August 20

First Day of School

Hey there! First day of school and I handled it like a boss!

This morning was just like an average summer morning only I had to get early and go somewhere. I didn't understand why everyone was so excited. I mean, I understand but the difference between school and summer isn't all that different.

Anyway, I'm a seventh grader now and I don't feel any different. Nothing special happen (except I'm making everyone call me Jay Jay). I love all my teachers and everyone is still cool.

Now the one different thing about me this year is I'm really antisocial. I just didn't want to talk to people at the moment. I wasn't avoiding anyone or just not speaking a word to anyone. I did say hi. But you know how you just want to be silent because you avoid a big clash or having to, I don't know, explain stuff you really don't care to explain? Yeah, that's why.

But I'm reunited with all my friends I haven't talked to in exactly three months and I'm really happy! I love the school and everything just seems like good luck right now.

Speaking of luck, I was wearing these shoes I hadn't worn for a while and felt something at the bottom of them. I didn't feel like pulling them off and checking so I just assumed it was a flat piece of word or a really small, smooth rock. So I was walking around, feeling awesome today and I get home, take off my shoe. And I find a penny!!

And H is on my back about this story I've been writing on My username is yaj1999 and you can read the story Where I'll Be and Searching for the Light. I have to say that the first one is way more interesting than Searching for the Light. And I'll be starting a new one real soon.

Warning: if you can't watch pg-13 movies, you probably can't read this story or most of the stories on this site.

I'll be trying to post regularly and I might even have to post on my kindle (which means no pictures). Let's just hope for the most posts!


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