
Monday, November 12

Chain Letters

Hey everybody!!!H is here!Today people insist on avoiding  physical contact...So everyone uses Instant Messaging,Texting,and,you guessed it, E-mail.Everyone knows that e-mail has to be the main source because for those elderly-ish people who just have a hard time knowing and learning new communication methods.Kids we pretty much rule the internet.So we always do annoying and dumb stuff to get on peoples nerves...One we all know Chain Letters!!!
1.) The classic letter is " Forward this e-mail or..."
Creepy face in your inbox :)
a.) You're gonna die
b.) (Tells creepy story) Then they say the demonic demon thing will be in your room and twelve' o clock Creepy face in your inbox :)
2. The letter that says something like forward if you feel bad for so-in-so, if you don't you are cruel with no heart.
3. As always petitions. Like: Girls vs. Boys Sign your name at the bottom  as see if we girls can get 500.Those are really the classic chain letters. I can't stand chain letters because they are wasting space in my inbox. I will say one thing though, chain letters really get paranoid people. My friend used to forward EVERY CHAIN MESSAGE SHE GOT!!! She was just that paranoid... Well see you guys later!-H

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