
Tuesday, June 19


Dear people's faces I shall call my diary,

Yesterday I was sitting in my room doing some sit ups and started charging my ipod. That's when I wanted to go and enjoy the outdoors on a bike.

I put on this soccer under shirt and some shorts. Then I got my socks and tenni (no one says tennis shoes anymore) shoes. I got my two dollars, like I bring every ride, and put it in my sock.

That reminded me of when I went to my soccer club's huge event, and my mom gave me $10. She said to put them in my sock. About an hour later I was very hungry. When I took out my money, it was drenched in sweat!

Anyway, I also grabbed my ipod so I could listen to something and look incredibly cooler (even though I'm already popular). I go and get on my bike and head off. The first thing I notice is how empty the neighborhood looks. How lonely the streets are. And it nearly killed my to know that my shorts were hiking up my legs.

I ride through the neighborhood, and it's just huge. I wave at the cars. But when they don't wave back, I start to get self conscious, tucking at my shorts.

I finally get to my destination. The little clubhouse near the entrance. It's surrounded by the green golf course, loud pool, and tennis court. I enter the clubhouse, which is empty except for the people eating outside and the two people at the bar.

As I go and get myself a candy bar, I notice the two people at the bar is a dad and a boy. The boy is talking to this guy working in the kitchen, and it turns out he's me. And I'm just looking around, paying for my candy and just wondering when the heck did this guy come to the area. I mean, shouldn't I when a guy my age moves into my neighborhood and decides to eat at the clubhouse? 

So I left, saying nothing to the boy or man (he looked just a bit scary) and rode home. Afterwards, I sat in my room wondering if I should have said anything.

I just told myself no


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