
Wednesday, June 20

Touching the Sky

Dear people's faces I shall call my diary,

I feel inspired by dance and ballet. I was dancing in my room and did this hip-hop/ jazz/ ballet dance thing. It was...a nice combo...

Yesterday my mom, sisters, and I went out to the park. Didn't sound like fun at all because I just wanted to go eat. But my mom had already made up her mind to take Baby and Tiny to play.

When we got there, I didn't know what to do because I just felt out of place. I instantly went to the things that make you dizzy. I found a way to make it twist without you needing anyone push you but today I had forgotten how. So I looked like a complete idiot on some kid's toy, doing nothing. That's when I called Tiny over to give me a push. I called for her, and she looked dead at my. I did a motion for her to come to me and waited a few minutes before I saw her one a different twisting toy.

So I walk over to her, steaming with anger. "Tiny, why didn't you come to me when I called for you?"

Finally she looks up from her fun and replies, "I didn't hear you." I just lost it then. How do you not hear someone but reply to them when they call you over?

I just let it go, but not completely, and walk away. I go onto the swings and just think for a while, watching the little kids play and listen for the cars on the bridge above the park. I did actually feel like a bird, the way the wing hit my face, and then it felt like I was falling back down to the ground. It liked the pain it brought in my chest when I went down, grasping for air. I closed my eyes and thought about stuff whatever came to mind. That's when two boys, about my age, come to the swings.

It sounded like they were mocking me. They said things like, "I can fly," and "I can touch the sky." I forget what else they said but they kept looking over at me. It was just annoying but fun to listen to them talking to each other.

The boy closest to me looked over and said, "We're swinging at the same time. See. Up...down...up...down...up...down. Come on, say it with me."

So I started to chant with him as we went up and down.

After about 30 minutes with these guys, Tiny comes over and says it's time to go. But I didn't want to leave. Not one bit. But I had to or they would leave without me. So I ran to catch up with them and was pretty much happy the rest of the day.


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