
Saturday, December 28

Water Bobble!

Hello, friends! This is Hay. Yes, I did say Bobble.

This is a kinda-sorta-not-really-but-it-is review! 

Okay, so, I was shopping with my family today and I stumbled upon a water bottle. I was attracted to this bottle because of:

a.) It had an adorable shape

b.) It had a filter!

I love water. I have no problem drinking tap water or water from the refrigerator at all. I just figured this was a good investment because it's a water bottle-- that filters water as you drink it. Honestly, buying a water bottle at all is awesome because we use a ton of plastic water bottles. This supposedly cuts back on plastic waste but that doesn't completely make sense, there is a flaw in water bottle making system:

Make more bottles out of plastic and hope everyone in the world suddenly converts.


Bobbles are made out of recycled plastic and the filters they come with (according to the package) is able to be used to the equivalent of 300 water bottles. The filters come in different colors and they fit every size of the Bobble water bottles.

You guys know I don't encourage free advertising. But I am in love with this water bottle.

When I opened the package it was simple on the contents:

1 Bobble water bottle

1 filter

On the back of the box it has instructions. I'd advise you to read them because if you don't you will get a mouthful of black slush.

Not slush-- Carbon dust.

The instructions clearly state that before you drink out of  Bobble you need to fill it up and squeeze the water out to clear the dust out. The water is black when it comes out. And before you start thinking: Oh, no! I bet she drank the water before rinsing it!

You are wrong!

But if I saw, read, or heard of anyone who has done that I would laugh so much!

I bet you're wondering now:

a.) Is she gonna give us useful info?

b.) Does it work?

I'm going to assume most of you will refer to question B. If any of you wanted the answer to question A it is no. 

I can't really say if it works or not. I could do a water test and get back to you on that... I can say that it improves the taste. A lot.

It tastes like you are drinking crystals. That's how clean it tastes. It's such a clear, refreshing taste, like, dude. Wow.

To sum up my opinion on this product.


* it filters water
* it's cute
* it has different colored filters
* it helps the environment
* it tastes good


* it is a bit flimsy
* it isn't dishwasher safe (not really an issue but not a pro)

I give this Bobble bottle a...

9.8 out f 10!

I hope you guys try this out and if you do leave a comment!

Here's the website: 

Stay awesome!


P.S. I hope you had some Happy Holidays and will have a wonderful New Year! 

Sunday, October 20

My Most Recent Fail #1

Hello everyone!

This is Hay!

I want to tell you about my most recent fail, and I have A LOT of them.

Basically, I'm a clutz. And whoever comes across this post can laugh with me-- you can safely assume I'm laughing.

Let's get this story started.

It was a pretty normal Saturday and my sister wanted to go into Party City.

I didn't really have anything to do so I just wandered around aimlessly, with my head in the clouds, paying no attention to anyone else around me at all.

I guess my mind thought it'd be hilarious and make me stop randomly.

I guess my mind ALSO thought it'd be funny if I got hit my a shoppimg cart and went sprawling to the floor.

It didn't help that the person who hit me with their cart was attractive.

I feel like it would've been less embarassing if a little old lady hit me with a cart.

But no.

It had to be a cute guy.

And the conversion involved two apologies.

Me apologizing for being a doofus.

Him apologizing for hitting me with a shopping cart.

And then I SHOULD have just walked away. Like a normal person.

I think we can all come to the conclusion that I do not think like a normal person.

Instead of getting up off the ground and walking away, I stayed on the ground and crab walked away.

Knocking over a display on the process. But I just kept crab walking like the smooth criminal I am.

I hope none of you have ever had such an epic fail. Because this one was for the history books.

Anybody got an epic fail? Leave it in the comment section!

Stay awesome!


P.S. Maybe Party City is the just the land of fails. My mom pointed this out to me. I also put #1 because you should expect to see more of these in the future.

Sunday, September 8

Self Confidence

Hello there! This is Hay and it seems that I have a need to write about anything with the word 'self' in it.

Okay, so everyone I know has heard of YouTube and all of the many uses of it: vlogging, rants, skits, and illegal things that REALLY shouldn't be available to seven year olds who lie about their age.

But (apparently) it is also a place for self concious girls to ask millions of strangers whether they are "pretty or not".

Now, I can obviously say that I'm very confident because I post my opinions on the internet for a lot of people to read and comment upon.

Anyway, I was watching a book review (YouTube's good for that too!) and I see in the suggested videos (which are super random and can bring you to weird things...) and I see a video young girl with her face way too close to the  camera asking "Am I pretty or ugly?". I clicked that video out of sheer boredom and as a person with a good self esteem I'm curious to know how people feel.

I watched the video and it bothered me.

If you pulled up a tab and went on YouTube right now and searched 'am I pretty?' in the search box the amount of videos that come up is almost frightening.

Almost everyone of them have a very pretty girl saying that the kids at school tell them that they're ugly and fat or that their parents tell them to wear makeup because they're too ugly.

And I hate the fact that people are that insecure.

When I look at the comments it warms my heart to see things like "yur very prtty and dont let peple brng u dwn" (Even though they type like lunatics) because I'm one of the people who truly belives that the world is a good place polluted with bad people.

I don't like it when people say "Obviously u no ur prtty u jus want atentchun" (Again...the typing is horrific) because it just brings people down and makes the world look hateful.

I know there are some days when I'll look at one of my friends and they'll say "I wish I wasn't so ugly." and I'll roll my eyes and say "You know you're pretty, shut up."

And even though I say this I know that there are people who truly don't see the beauty in themselves.

I know people will say all sorts of things to cheer them up and make them feel better and we all pretty much grew up on the "sticks and stones" rhyme.

But as we grow up we realize that words can hurt a little bit more than they really should. And something as simple as going up to someone and telling them you appreciate them and that they're beautiful can turn their whole lives around and show them the that not everyone's bad.

And if any of you reading feel self concious at times I'm here to say that even if you don't think you're pretty or smart or important or anything along those lines, just know that it really is the inside that counts and someone, somewhere will love all them blood and guts.

So, I have homework for you guys: go up to someone and compliment them.

You could be making someone's day a lot better.

Well, peace out and have lovely lives! I think we know by now Hay is not a depressing person so I'm gonna end this.

Stay awesome!


P.S. Oliver Wendell Holmes said the quote in the picture.

"What lies behind us, and what lies before us, are small matters compared to what lies within us."

Wednesday, July 17

Self Checkout

Wow, it has been a while since I've posted anything! Sorry, about that. I've been a busy person!

I wanted to tell a story as well as share my opinion on a topic.

I was at Walmart the other day and as my mother and I headed to checkout we noticed that every checkout line was completely full. We waited in line for a bit then we looked over at the cashier and noticed what a slow pace he took. Let me tell you, when I say slow --I mean SLOW. The guy was moving like he'd never used a muscle in his whole life! I'm a very patient person and I would've have waited but I'd woken up at four o'clock in the morning that day and had been up until the time we were actually at Walmart which was eight in the afternoon.

I didn't have time for this!

So, we decided to go to self checkout. I remember when they first put in self checkout to Walmart. I didn't have a problem with it.

I was actually pretty eager to use it because I wanted the experience and I thought it was cool because you didn't have to wait in endless lines just to checkout a bag of potato chips and a bottle of Gatorade.

You could simply do it yourself.

I've been analyzing these things for a while because I know business as much as any normal person. I figured they needed you to work for free because then they don't have to hire anyone or pay anyone.

In a perfect world that is flawless.

But let's face it. We are NOT in a perfect world.

I bet you're wondering where this is going but this is not nearly as entertaining as my toddler plunders and adventures in my other Walmart post.

This can almost be viewed as a rant.

Just because Walmart executives or whom ever controls this have made it so they can save money doesn't mean you get a free ticket to slack-off town!

If anything that should give them more of a reason to fire you!

I'm sorry if you didn't shove a vitamin in your breakfast burrito before you came to work but PICK UP THE PACE!

You think you're TIRED! I was up all day and can't even say I'm tired! These people work all week for  hours upon hours and you want to be slow?

Cut them some slack!

When we went to that self checkout I could almost HEAR Napoleon's army marching through the doors to snatch those slow employees from their stations to throw them out!

I don't appreciate people who get paid for nothing.

Even though the economy is slowly looking up--which is great-- things are still hard. And for some people they will ALWAYS be hard.

The last thing they need on their plate is standing in a twenty minute line just checking out some milk.

Until next time my friends,


P.S. On a funnier note I did, in fact, see the scraggly beard man, and yes, he did still smell like pee. :)

Thursday, February 28


Hello you beautiful creatures! ;)

Hay right here and I would like to tell you about a book called

Uglies by Scott Westerfeld.

This book takes place in the future where a civilization houses basically two types of people:


Every human is born ugly (with a few exceptions) and get an operation to turn them into a Pretty.

As a Pretty you live a happy glamorous life that Tally dreams of.

Her birthday is coming up when she meets Shay.

Shay has the exact same birthday as Tally.

Shay doesn't want to become a Pretty though and tells stories about a place where Uglies can go and live called the Smoke.

On the night before their sixteenth birthday Shay runs away and Tally has a choice:

Find her friend and turn her in


Never turn Pretty.

I thought this book was good but I don't think it has weasled it's way into my favorites.

8 out of 10.

If the description made you want to read this novel READ ON!

Tell us about in the comments!

Happy Last-Day-of-February!


Saturday, February 23

The Girl Who Could Fly

Just the title you it all. Just not everything.

This book was given to me by a friend who was re-reading the book for probably the gazillionth time. She handed it to me, almost a little sadly and said I would love the book.

She is psychic.

I loved the book.

The first 150 pages are just enough to make me smile and laugh not because their funny but because their so well written and amazing, you don't realize that you read not 10 pages, not 20 but 50, 100! That's how fast you'd read this book.

The story begins with Betty and Joe McCloud. Average, saintly people who live in Lowland County. They don't upset "Providence" and they don't do anything out of the ordinary. Of course, they had an abnormal child. It was only irony playing it's sick trick.

Piper, they named her, can float. Every since she was an itty bitty baby, somehow, she always floated off the ground just a few inches.

Betty never said anything, only worried a little until one day.

Betty was changing Piper on the table. The basic process: Cover nose, open diaper, throw away diaper, change diaper, breathe and exhale.

Betty left Piper on the table while changing her diaper and turned her back on her. That instant, Piper rolled off the table.

Normal children would hit the floor and cry and cry and cry until they were comforted. But Piper never hit the ground. She floated.

When Piper was five was the first time Betty decided to voice her opinions on the child to her husband. Joe only nodded because he was a man of little words.

When Piper got older, she saw a little bird get pushed out a tree and start flying. That gave her an idea.

She climbed onto the roof and she jumped off and flew!

Her parents didn't encourage it much but Piper never stopped. She praticed and praticed until she could fly at will.

One day, Betty suggests going to the Fourth of July because of Piper's strangely good behaviour. Piper was estatic, being homeschooled and never being able to play with the other kids.

So they went but it wasn't all they thought it would be.

There was a baseball game and Piper was picked last. She wasn't a good baseball player, couldn't catch a ball for the life of her and she couldn't swing. But she was determined. So when a ball know one can catch is swung, Piper deciedes to impress everyone and get it by flying.

No one is impressed. In fact, they all leave.

The next day, Ms. Hellion and many agents come to Piper's house. Hellion asks Piper if she wants to go to a school with kids just like her. And Piper agrees, says bye and leaves.

Best stinking story ever.

Best ending. Best characters. Best plot twist and best moral ever!

Even a romantic nut like me who hoped for some kind of romance to bloom, I just got lost and didn't even think about that.

Rating: 10 out of 10

Just read it!!


Wednesday, February 20

Flash Burnout

Someone told me today that the name of this book would prevent them from actually picking it up and enjoying it and reading it. Unbelievable!

I love this title! Partially because I truly do understand why it's there as a granddaughter's photographer and, plus, I didn't take enough time to actually look at the title. I kinda just looked at the book, flipped it, read about it, and bought it.

Right now is actually the first time I started assessing why it could possibly be called Flash Burnout.

I still think it's a brilliant title. That goes along with a beautiful book cover and wonderful story that is enlightening and kinda stupid.

I don't usually read stories that have the point of view of a guy. The first time (that I can remember) I read in the point of view of a guy was in... I think the summer before 3rd grade. It was Sign of the Beaver, not a requirement for Gate but extra credit so I read it. I will openly say I loved that book enough to pass down to my younger sister.

But the point is I've read a total of maybe five to ten books in a male, a boy, a guy's point of view. This happens to be among them.

The book with the awesome cover and title.

Time to review: This book was weirdly humorous.

On the very back of the book, it said it would be but I really didn't expect it to be. These are critics grading books and giving their opinions. Usually, I only take the reviews lightly. Like I should have the next part of the review.

It said the book was deep. For whatever reason, I didn't take that all to lightly.

I should have.

Maybe it's because the book was so short or because I read to fast or because the character was not really spilling his emotions, I don't know, but this book was not deep enough for my taste.

When a book says it is deep, it had better be deep!

Okay, let's get to the story's main idea. It's about a guy named Blake. He has a cute girlfriend named Shannon and an awesome photography buddy named Marissa. Blake loves being with his girlfriend. And he loves being with Marissa, his friend. Only his friend.

Who knew it could turn for the worst.

As a project, Blake takes a picture of a woman, drunk and passed out against a building. Marissa sees it and freaks out, stating that's her mom. Of course, Blake freaks out as well, asking questions in his head he wouldn't voice.

Eventually, Marissa finds her mom, her meth-head mom, and gets her into rehab.

Things go back to normal. Until Marissa's mom goes missing again.

Along with Marissa's drama, Shannon feels like Blake is spending too much time with Marissa, even if they are just friends. And, hey, how can Blake not notice this when he really loves his girl Shannon and really wants to with her.

L.K. Madigan
My rating: 6 out of 10. It made me smile. And giggle weirdly on the bus so much people started watching me but still, this book was really just too small and jam packed for the big stuff going inside Blake's head that I can't even feel sad about Marissa or Blake or Shannon or the mom.

And the ending...I still need some time to really think about whether I liked it. I'll just have to say that the ending was something... you interpret that however you want to.

Oh, the author is a female, if you were curious. I sure was because this book was a little boyish, I just had to look up the author's gender.


Tuesday, February 19


Martin Aitken when he was younger.
It's amusing at first saying, "Hey, I just read a book!"

"Really? What was it called?"


Really, it is actually funny saying this. Especially when people think I'm not kidding. But, seriously, being completely serious here, this book has now made me emotionally disturbed.  So I would obviously recommend this to the rest of the world out there though many, many people have already read it in France, Denmark, Hungary, and other European countries. In fact, the version I purchased was actually translated from Danish by a guy named Martin Aitken.

Honestly, this book was emotional. At first when I picked it up, I thought it was a thriller or something along the lines of teenage assassin (not the lame, modern ones nowadays, I mean the cool ones who plan out murders like in this one book I have to still write about).

Instead, it was way cooler.

Now, I like to call myself the ultimate book scavenger. And this book proves my mad skills for getting awesome books.

Okay, let's get to the nitty gritty.

A kid called Pierre Anton one the first day of 7th grade announces, "Nothing Matters. I've known that for a long time. So nothing's worth doing. I just realized that." And he leaves and never comes back.

After his realization, the other kids start acting a little weird, thinking about what Pierre Anton said until finally it sets in that what he said was totally stupid. There is something to live for! A job and love and education! But Pierre quickly says that's all stupid because you get a job and lose it to die, you can fall right back out of love and what is the need for education? To get a job so you can die?

And everyday, Pierre Anton reminds them all as they pass by his plum tree, the one he sits in. He throws plums at them and further irritates all of them until finally, they reach their definite breaking point.

They decide to prove to him that something does matter in life. That life isn't meant to just die.

Eventually, things do get out of hand but they can't stop now when their almost done showing Pierre Anton what life is worth living for.

See what I mean? Pure genius! And the ending was just too good!

Rating: 9.9 out of 10

There seriously were dead points. Not completely but I'm sure if some of you do end up reading this, you'll think it's stupid even though this is an upcoming classic.

Janne Teller does have other books. You can find there names and read about her on her website, (


Sunday, February 17

All Alone in Walmart

Hello you beautiful balloons! I would like to tell you a story. I know I didn't post on Valentines Day but I honestly don't care.

\_/ <- You see this?

That is my cup of cares. Notice that it is empty.

(Actually I was going to post about Forever Alone Day but I was too busy having fun!...Also because I was too lazy.)

Anyway I want to tell you about my first time as a child being left alone by myself in Walmart.

At the time I was six or seven and life was just beginning to show its' true, mean, and ugly face.
It was a time where everything I wore was pink and purple and my older sister and I actually shared clothes.

 That time was over.

My little toddler mind refused to accept the fact that the world was becoming a house of horrors.
So, there I was. Standing in Walmart ,even as a junior, reading books in the book section.
I didn't hear my mom say she would soon come and get me or that she just needed to go grab a jug of milk.
So I was standing there lost in a Junie B. Jones when a gruff voice interrupts my train of thought.

"Are you lost?"

Now the voice sounded very much like one a person would of someone who ate staples and swallows a big ole cup o nails to finish it off. Because we all know breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
The guy had raggedy clothes and a beard and he kind of smelled like pee.

So I was just standing there and looked around for my mom, because she was the one who answered the questions for me.

When I realized she wasn't around I did the thing any child who was lost would do.

I screamed like a fool.

Screaming was an understatement. More like howling like a banshee and siren crossed together.
And by that time I was thinking of all the horrible things that could happen: the strange man could yank me away from the two pigtails sticking from my head.

They were the kind of pigtails that were like helicopter blades, if they could spin fast enough I would've flown away!

Then I fell to the floor and cried. Right in front of the guy. He tried to help me up but I just kept flailing and falling on the floor.

Eventually he ran away from my strange demonic child screams and ran away before he thought I would open a portal or something.

I was all cried out and sniffles emitted from my little nose.
My mom came back and we checked out our groceries and to this day I see scraggly beard man whenever I go to Walmart.


Small details in this story may have been exaggerated. :)

Friday, January 18

Wreck This Journal

Hello my lovely friends! Hay is here and she has something fun for you!!!

It's called Wreck This Journal by Keri Smith!!!

My friend showed me this and I loved it and ran to the store and bought myself a copy!
I thought I would share this with you guys because I feel that every once in a while you need to let the imagination run wild and this is the perfect creative outlet.

I posted a few pictures below and I just want to say my Wreck This Journal looks extremely neat because as a over extensive reader and a lover of writing it was difficult for me to begin defacing a book- even if its purpose was to be broken.
This is my journal before I began beating the snot out of it. :') It was so beautiful! 
This is my journal a little bit into the process of wrecking. It currently looks like this now  but I  shall continue to wreck!
This is one of the first pages. I just want  to show you a few so I won't spoil the book for you!
Here is my cracked spine... this hurt me to do.
I made this page all sunshine and rainbows! My friend keeps telling me that I need to actually wreck the journal and not turn it into a piece of altered art but I can't help it!I LOVE BOOKS TOO MUCH!!! :)
This was painful. I gave it to my friend and this is how it came back! :) I was kind of scared on how she did that without making a sound...
If you can't read the page it says:"Ask a friend to do something destructive to this page.Don't look."
I'm glad I didn't look... I probably would've been scarred. :D
I colored this page too. :)
This was the hardest one to complete. If you are a reader you know to never put your books
(or e-reader as a matter of fact)
into water. I didn't actually shower with the book (I  don't have that much willpower) so I just turned on the shower threw it in and sobbed. (Just kidding about the sobbing part! ) :)

All in all I have to say this book is pretty fun for me and I do recommend it! You can get it on Amazon and find it at Walmart and Target. Check around online because they are everywhere!

I hope you guys enjoyed this post! Have a wonderful weekend! Au revoir!
